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jug band

  • 1 jug band

    jug band n US orchestre m improvisé.

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  • 2 Jug-Band

    jug band

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  • 3 jug band

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  • 4 jug band

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  • 5 jug band

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  • 6 jug band

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  • 7 jug band

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  • 8 jug band

    x. (하모니카, 냄비의) 잡동사니 악대

    English-Korean dictionary > jug band

  • 9 jug band


    Англо-русский современный словарь > jug band

  • 10 jug

    jug [dʒʌg] (pt & pp jugged, cont jugging)
    1 noun
    (a) British (small → for milk) pot m; (→ for water) carafe f; (→ for wine) pichet m, carafe f; (large → earthenware) cruche f; (→ metal, plastic) broc m;
    a jug of wine une carafe de vin;
    wine jug carafe f à vin;
    familiar his ears are like jug handles il a les oreilles en contrevent ou comme des esgourdes
    (b) British (beer glass) chope f (contenant une pinte)
    (c) familiar (jail) tôle f, cabane f;
    five years in (the) jug cinq ans en tôle
    jugs (breasts) nichons mpl, roberts mpl
    (a) Cookery cuire à l'étouffée ou à l'étuvée
    (b) familiar (imprison) mettre en tôle ou en cabane
    ►► American Music jug band orchestre m de folk/jazz (jouant avec des instruments de fortune);
    jug kettle = bouilloire électrique haute;
    American jug wine vin m ordinaire

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > jug

  • 11 band

    1. n тесьма, лента; завязка
    2. n поясок; ремень, ремешок
    3. n связующее звено; связующая нить; узы, связь

    rubber band line — отрезок типа "резиновая нить"

    4. n арх. цепи, оковы
    5. n связка, вязанка
    6. n мед. перевязка; тяж; связка; бандаж
    7. n полоса, полоска; кайма, кромка
    8. n ярлык, этикетка; наклейка
    9. n воен. полоса обстрела
    10. n две полоски, спускающиеся с воротника
    11. n разг. околыш
    12. n разг. шляпная лента

    Alice band — лента Алисы, цветная головная повязка или лента

    13. n разг. плоский воротник
    14. n разг. звуковая дорожка на грампластинке

    dead band — зона нечувствительности; мертвая зона

    15. n тех. приводной ремень
    16. n тех. лента транспортёра
    17. n тех. стяжной хомут, бугель, бандаж
    18. n тех. дверная петля
    19. n тех. геол. прослоек

    clay band — глинистый прослоек, зальбанд

    20. n физ. диапазон
    21. n физ. энергетическая зона
    22. n полигр. бинт
    23. n полигр. манжетка
    24. n полигр. тех. дорожка записи на магнитном барабане или диске
    25. n полигр. мед. кламмер
    26. v связывать, соединять
    27. v скреплять ободьями или обручами; обивать железными полосами
    28. v наносить полосы; обводить кромкой, полоской
    29. v уст. перевязывать, накладывать повязку
    30. n отряд, группа

    band course — выступающий ряд кладки, поясок, сандрик

    31. n группа музыкантов, играющих на однородных инструментах
    32. n оркестр, исполняющий народные мелодии
    33. n банда, шайка

    a band of robbers — шайка разбойников, банда грабителей

    34. n стая

    to beat the band — с большой силой, обильно

    35. v объединять, соединять
    36. v объединяться; вступать в союз, организоваться
    37. v распределять школьников по способностям
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. bond (noun) belt; binding; bond; chain; cincture; cord; cordon; fetter; girdle; harness; headband; shackle; strap; tag; thong; tie
    2. combo (noun) combo; ensemble
    3. company (noun) company; corps; outfit; party; troop; troupe
    4. group (noun) assembly; bevy; body; bunch; clique; cluster; coterie; covey; crew; gang; gathering; group; pack; ring
    5. orchestra (noun) orchestra; philharmonic; symphony
    6. stripe (noun) bandeau; banding; circle; circuit; fillet; hoop; line; meridian; ribbon; streak; strip; stripe; zone
    7. belt (verb) begird; begirdle; belt; cincture; encincture; encompass; engird; engirdle; gird; girdle
    8. tag (verb) bind; identify; mark; stripe; tag
    9. unite (verb) affiliate; ally; coadjute; collaborate; combine; concur; confederate; conjoin; cooperate; join together; league; unite
    Антонимический ряд:
    individual; separate

    English-Russian base dictionary > band

  • 12 rhythm band

    English-Russian base dictionary > rhythm band

  • 13 шумовой оркестр

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > шумовой оркестр

  • 14 шумовой оркестр

    General subject: jug band

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > шумовой оркестр

  • 15 Jugband

    jug band

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Jugband

  • 16 Rand

    m; -(e)s, Ränder
    1. edge; eines Tellers, einer Brille etc.: rim; eines Hutes: brim; (Seitenrand) margin; Ränder unter den Augen (dark) rings under the eyes; bis zum Rand gefüllt Glas: filled to the brim; eine Karte mit schwarzem Rand a card with a black border; ein Rand in der Wanne a tide-mark in the bath (Am. ring in the bathtub); ( 4 cm) Rand lassen leave a margin (of 4 cm); etw. an den Rand schreiben write s.th. in the margin; am Rande des Waldes on the edge of the woods; am Rande der Stadt on the outskirts (of the town); am Rande des Abgrunds on the brink of the abyss
    2. fig. verge; am Rande des Verderbens / der Verzweiflung etc. fig. on the verge ( oder brink) of ruin / despair etc.; am Rande der Gesellschaft on the fringe(s) of society; am Rande der Legalität just inside the law; an den Rand (des Geschehens etc.) geraten be marginalized; am Rande des Grabes stehen have one foot in the grave; am Rande erwähnen mention in passing; das oder so viel nur am Rande I just mention that in passing; das versteht sich am Rande it goes without saying; ein Problem etc. am Rande behandeln deal with a problem etc. in passing; es interessiert mich nur am Rande it’s only of marginal interest to me; er hat es nur am Rande miterlebt he wasn’t directly involved ( oder affected by it); außer Rand und Band sein / geraten be going wild; vor Freude etc.: be beside o.s. / go wild (with joy); zu Rande kommen mit jemandem / etw. get on with s.o. / cope with s.th.
    3. umg. (Mund) trap, Brit. auch gob; er kann einfach seinen Rand nicht halten he just can’t keep his trap shut; halt den Rand! shut up!, shut your trap ( oder face)
    * * *
    der Rand
    edging; side; brink; margin; verge; brim; rim; fringe; edge; border
    * * *
    Rạnd I [rant]
    m -es, -er
    1) edge; (von Weg, Straße, Schwimmbecken etc) side, edge; (von Brunnen, Gefäß, Tasse) top, rim, brim; (von Abgrund) brink

    voll bis zum Randfull to the brim, brimful

    am Rande (erwähnen, zur Sprache kommen) — by the way, in passing; interessieren marginally; beteiligt sein marginally, on the fringe; miterleben from the sidelines

    am Rande des Waldesat the edge of the forest

    am Rande der Stadton the outskirts of the town

    am Rande der Verzweiflung/des Wahnsinns — on the verge of despair/madness

    er hat die Russische Revolution noch am Rande miterlebthe was around at the beginning/end of the Russian Revolution

    am Rande der Gesellschaft/der politischen Landschaft — on the fringes of society/the political scene

    an den Rand der Gesellschaft gedrängt werdento be marginalized by society

    am äußersten rechten Rand des politischen Spektrums — on the extreme right of the political spectrum

    2) (= Umrandung) border; (= Tellerrand) edge, side; (= Brillenrand) rim; (von Hut) brim; (= Seitenrand, Buchrand, Heftrand) margin

    wenn er so über die Ränder seiner Brille schielt — when he peers over the top of his glasses like that

    mit schwarzem Rand — black-edged, with a black border

    3) (= Schmutzrand) ring; (um Augen) circle, ring

    rote Ränder um die Augen haben — to have red rims around one's eyes

    4) (fig)

    sie waren außer Rand und Band — there was no holding them, they were going wild

    = zurande
    m -s, -(s)
    (= Währung) rand
    * * *
    1) (the edge of a particular thing: the border of a picture/handkerchief.) border
    2) (the top edge of a cup, glass etc: The jug was filled to the brim.) brim
    3) (the edge or border of a steep, dangerous place or of a river.) brink
    4) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) edge
    5) (a border or fringe round a garment: gold edging.) edging
    6) (the blank edge round a page of writing or print: Please write your comments in the margin.) margin
    7) (the edge of something: the lip of a cup.) lip
    8) ((usually in singular with the) the edge (of something): The shops are on the periphery of the housing estate.) periphery
    9) (an edge or border: the rim of a wheel; the rim of a cup.) rim
    10) (the (grass) edging of a garden bed, a road etc: It's illegal to drive on the grass verge.) verge
    * * *
    <-es, Ränder>
    [rant, pl ˈrɛndɐ]
    1. (abfallendes Ende einer Fläche) edge
    2. (obere Begrenzungslinie) von Glas, Tasse rim; von Teller edge, side; von Wanne top, rim
    etw bis zum \Rand füllen to fill sth to the brim
    voll bis zum \Rand full to the brim, brimful
    3. (äußere Begrenzung) edge; von Straße, Weg side; von Wunde lip
    sie stand am \Rand der Klippe she stood on the edge of the cliff
    stell das Glas nicht so nah an den \Rand von dem Tisch don't put the glass so near the edge of the table
    du hast dir die Hose unten am [rechten/linken] \Rand schmutzig gemacht you've dirtied the bottom [of the right/left leg] of your trousers
    der \Rand des Abgrunds the brink of the precipice
    am \Rande der Gesellschaft on the fringes of society
    am \Rande der Stadt on the outskirts [or edge] of the town
    er wohnt in einem großen Haus am \Rande der Stadt he lives in a big house on [or at] the edge of the town
    am \Rand der Straße at the side of the road
    am \Rande des Waldes at the edge of the forest
    4. (Einfassung) border; einer Brille rim; eines Huts brim
    eine Brille mit silbernem \Rand spectacles with silver rims, silver-rimmed spectacles
    er schielte über die Ränder seiner Brille he peered over the top of his glasses
    die Decke hatte einen mit einer Borte verzierten \Rand the quilt was bordered by a braid trimming [or had a braid trimming border
    5. (Grenze)
    am \Rand[e] einer S. gen on the verge [or brink] of sth
    sich akk am \Rand[e] einer S. gen bewegen to border on sth
    am \Rande des Bankrotts sein to be on the verge of bankruptcy
    am \Rande eines Krieges on the brink of war
    jdn an den \Rand des Ruins/Wahnsinns bringen to bring sb to the verge [or brink] of ruin/madness
    am \Rand der Verzweiflung sein to be on the verge of despair
    6. (auf Papier) von Buch, Heft, Seite margin
    Trauerkarten haben einen schwarzen \Rand condolence cards have black edging [or a black border]
    etw an den \Rand schreiben to write sth in the margin
    7. (Schatten, Spur) mark
    ein [schmutziger] \Rand um die Badewanne a tidemark around [the rim of] the bath BRIT
    [dunkle/rote] Ränder um die Augen haben to have [dark/red] rings [a]round one's eyes
    vom Weinen hatte sie rote Ränder um die Augen the rims of her eyes were red with crying
    am \Rande in passing, by the way
    das habe ich am \Rande erwähnt I mentioned that in passing
    das interessiert mich nur am \Rande that's only of marginal interest to me
    das versteht sich am \Rande that goes without saying
    wir haben die Revolution nur am \Rande miterlebt we were only marginally involved in the revolution
    außer \Rand und Band geraten/sein (fam) to go/be wild
    sie waren außer \Rand und Band there was no holding them, they were going wild
    halt den \Rand! (sl) shut your mouth fam [or sl face] [or sl gob]
    [mit etw dat] zu \Rande kommen (fam) to cope [with sth]
    ich komme damit nicht zu \Rande I can't manage
    mit jdm zu \Rande kommen (fam) to get on with sb
    * * *
    der; Rand[e]s, Ränder
    1) edge; (Einfassung) border; (HutRand) brim; (BrillenRand, GefäßRand, KraterRand) rim; (eines Abgrunds) brink; (auf einem Schriftstück) margin; (WegRand) verge; (StadtRand) edge; outskirts pl.; (fig.)

    außer Rand und Band geraten/sein — (ugs.) go/be wild ( vor with); (rasen) go/be berserk ( vor with)

    mit etwas [nicht] zu Rande kommen — (ugs.) [not] be able to cope with something; s. auch Grab

    2) (SchmutzRand) mark; (rund) ring; (in der Wanne) tidemark (coll.)

    dunkle Ränder unter den Augen haben — have dark lines under one's eyes


    den Rand halten(salopp) shut one's gob (sl.) or trap (sl.)

    * * *
    Rand m; -(e)s, Ränder
    1. edge; eines Tellers, einer Brille etc: rim; eines Hutes: brim; (Seitenrand) margin;
    Ränder unter den Augen (dark) rings under the eyes;
    bis zum Rand gefüllt Glas: filled to the brim;
    eine Karte mit schwarzem Rand a card with a black border;
    ein Rand in der Wanne a tide-mark in the bath (US ring in the bathtub);
    (4 cm) Rand lassen leave a margin (of 4 cm);
    etwas an den Rand schreiben write sth in the margin;
    am Rande des Waldes on the edge of the woods;
    am Rande der Stadt on the outskirts (of the town);
    am Rande des Abgrunds on the brink of the abyss
    2. fig verge;
    am Rande des Verderbens/der Verzweiflung etc fig on the verge ( oder brink) of ruin/despair etc;
    am Rande der Gesellschaft on the fringe(s) of society;
    am Rande der Legalität just inside the law;
    an den Rand (des Geschehens etc)
    geraten be marginalized;
    am Rande des Grabes stehen have one foot in the grave;
    am Rande erwähnen mention in passing;
    so viel nur am Rande I just mention that in passing;
    das versteht sich am Rande it goes without saying;
    ein Problem etc
    am Rande behandeln deal with a problem etc in passing;
    es interessiert mich nur am Rande it’s only of marginal interest to me;
    er hat es nur am Rande miterlebt he wasn’t directly involved ( oder affected by it);
    außer Rand und Band sein/geraten be going wild; vor Freude etc: be beside o.s./go wild (with joy);
    zu Rande kommen mit jemandem/etwas get on with sb/cope with sth
    3. umg (Mund) trap, Br auch gob;
    er kann einfach seinen Rand nicht halten he just can’t keep his trap shut;
    halt den Rand! shut up!, shut your trap ( oder face)
    * * *
    der; Rand[e]s, Ränder
    1) edge; (Einfassung) border; (HutRand) brim; (BrillenRand, GefäßRand, KraterRand) rim; (eines Abgrunds) brink; (auf einem Schriftstück) margin; (WegRand) verge; (StadtRand) edge; outskirts pl.; (fig.)

    außer Rand und Band geraten/sein — (ugs.) go/be wild ( vor with); (rasen) go/be berserk ( vor with)

    mit etwas [nicht] zu Rande kommen — (ugs.) [not] be able to cope with something; s. auch Grab

    2) (SchmutzRand) mark; (rund) ring; (in der Wanne) tidemark (coll.)

    den Rand halten (salopp) shut one's gob (sl.) or trap (sl.)

    * * *
    ¨-er (Mathematik) m.
    boundary n. ¨-er m.
    border n.
    brim n.
    brink n.
    edge n.
    fringe n.
    lip n.
    margin n.
    rim n.
    side n.
    verge n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Rand

  • 17 rand

    m; -(e)s, Ränder
    1. edge; eines Tellers, einer Brille etc.: rim; eines Hutes: brim; (Seitenrand) margin; Ränder unter den Augen (dark) rings under the eyes; bis zum Rand gefüllt Glas: filled to the brim; eine Karte mit schwarzem Rand a card with a black border; ein Rand in der Wanne a tide-mark in the bath (Am. ring in the bathtub); ( 4 cm) Rand lassen leave a margin (of 4 cm); etw. an den Rand schreiben write s.th. in the margin; am Rande des Waldes on the edge of the woods; am Rande der Stadt on the outskirts (of the town); am Rande des Abgrunds on the brink of the abyss
    2. fig. verge; am Rande des Verderbens / der Verzweiflung etc. fig. on the verge ( oder brink) of ruin / despair etc.; am Rande der Gesellschaft on the fringe(s) of society; am Rande der Legalität just inside the law; an den Rand (des Geschehens etc.) geraten be marginalized; am Rande des Grabes stehen have one foot in the grave; am Rande erwähnen mention in passing; das oder so viel nur am Rande I just mention that in passing; das versteht sich am Rande it goes without saying; ein Problem etc. am Rande behandeln deal with a problem etc. in passing; es interessiert mich nur am Rande it’s only of marginal interest to me; er hat es nur am Rande miterlebt he wasn’t directly involved ( oder affected by it); außer Rand und Band sein / geraten be going wild; vor Freude etc.: be beside o.s. / go wild (with joy); zu Rande kommen mit jemandem / etw. get on with s.o. / cope with s.th.
    3. umg. (Mund) trap, Brit. auch gob; er kann einfach seinen Rand nicht halten he just can’t keep his trap shut; halt den Rand! shut up!, shut your trap ( oder face)
    * * *
    der Rand
    edging; side; brink; margin; verge; brim; rim; fringe; edge; border
    * * *
    Rạnd I [rant]
    m -es, -er
    1) edge; (von Weg, Straße, Schwimmbecken etc) side, edge; (von Brunnen, Gefäß, Tasse) top, rim, brim; (von Abgrund) brink

    voll bis zum Randfull to the brim, brimful

    am Rande (erwähnen, zur Sprache kommen) — by the way, in passing; interessieren marginally; beteiligt sein marginally, on the fringe; miterleben from the sidelines

    am Rande des Waldesat the edge of the forest

    am Rande der Stadton the outskirts of the town

    am Rande der Verzweiflung/des Wahnsinns — on the verge of despair/madness

    er hat die Russische Revolution noch am Rande miterlebthe was around at the beginning/end of the Russian Revolution

    am Rande der Gesellschaft/der politischen Landschaft — on the fringes of society/the political scene

    an den Rand der Gesellschaft gedrängt werdento be marginalized by society

    am äußersten rechten Rand des politischen Spektrums — on the extreme right of the political spectrum

    2) (= Umrandung) border; (= Tellerrand) edge, side; (= Brillenrand) rim; (von Hut) brim; (= Seitenrand, Buchrand, Heftrand) margin

    wenn er so über die Ränder seiner Brille schielt — when he peers over the top of his glasses like that

    mit schwarzem Rand — black-edged, with a black border

    3) (= Schmutzrand) ring; (um Augen) circle, ring

    rote Ränder um die Augen haben — to have red rims around one's eyes

    4) (fig)

    sie waren außer Rand und Band — there was no holding them, they were going wild

    = zurande
    m -s, -(s)
    (= Währung) rand
    * * *
    1) (the edge of a particular thing: the border of a picture/handkerchief.) border
    2) (the top edge of a cup, glass etc: The jug was filled to the brim.) brim
    3) (the edge or border of a steep, dangerous place or of a river.) brink
    4) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) edge
    5) (a border or fringe round a garment: gold edging.) edging
    6) (the blank edge round a page of writing or print: Please write your comments in the margin.) margin
    7) (the edge of something: the lip of a cup.) lip
    8) ((usually in singular with the) the edge (of something): The shops are on the periphery of the housing estate.) periphery
    9) (an edge or border: the rim of a wheel; the rim of a cup.) rim
    10) (the (grass) edging of a garden bed, a road etc: It's illegal to drive on the grass verge.) verge
    * * *
    <-es, Ränder>
    [rant, pl ˈrɛndɐ]
    1. (abfallendes Ende einer Fläche) edge
    2. (obere Begrenzungslinie) von Glas, Tasse rim; von Teller edge, side; von Wanne top, rim
    etw bis zum \Rand füllen to fill sth to the brim
    voll bis zum \Rand full to the brim, brimful
    3. (äußere Begrenzung) edge; von Straße, Weg side; von Wunde lip
    sie stand am \Rand der Klippe she stood on the edge of the cliff
    stell das Glas nicht so nah an den \Rand von dem Tisch don't put the glass so near the edge of the table
    du hast dir die Hose unten am [rechten/linken] \Rand schmutzig gemacht you've dirtied the bottom [of the right/left leg] of your trousers
    der \Rand des Abgrunds the brink of the precipice
    am \Rande der Gesellschaft on the fringes of society
    am \Rande der Stadt on the outskirts [or edge] of the town
    er wohnt in einem großen Haus am \Rande der Stadt he lives in a big house on [or at] the edge of the town
    am \Rand der Straße at the side of the road
    am \Rande des Waldes at the edge of the forest
    4. (Einfassung) border; einer Brille rim; eines Huts brim
    eine Brille mit silbernem \Rand spectacles with silver rims, silver-rimmed spectacles
    er schielte über die Ränder seiner Brille he peered over the top of his glasses
    die Decke hatte einen mit einer Borte verzierten \Rand the quilt was bordered by a braid trimming [or had a braid trimming border
    5. (Grenze)
    am \Rand[e] einer S. gen on the verge [or brink] of sth
    sich akk am \Rand[e] einer S. gen bewegen to border on sth
    am \Rande des Bankrotts sein to be on the verge of bankruptcy
    am \Rande eines Krieges on the brink of war
    jdn an den \Rand des Ruins/Wahnsinns bringen to bring sb to the verge [or brink] of ruin/madness
    am \Rand der Verzweiflung sein to be on the verge of despair
    6. (auf Papier) von Buch, Heft, Seite margin
    Trauerkarten haben einen schwarzen \Rand condolence cards have black edging [or a black border]
    etw an den \Rand schreiben to write sth in the margin
    7. (Schatten, Spur) mark
    ein [schmutziger] \Rand um die Badewanne a tidemark around [the rim of] the bath BRIT
    [dunkle/rote] Ränder um die Augen haben to have [dark/red] rings [a]round one's eyes
    vom Weinen hatte sie rote Ränder um die Augen the rims of her eyes were red with crying
    am \Rande in passing, by the way
    das habe ich am \Rande erwähnt I mentioned that in passing
    das interessiert mich nur am \Rande that's only of marginal interest to me
    das versteht sich am \Rande that goes without saying
    wir haben die Revolution nur am \Rande miterlebt we were only marginally involved in the revolution
    außer \Rand und Band geraten/sein (fam) to go/be wild
    sie waren außer \Rand und Band there was no holding them, they were going wild
    halt den \Rand! (sl) shut your mouth fam [or sl face] [or sl gob]
    [mit etw dat] zu \Rande kommen (fam) to cope [with sth]
    ich komme damit nicht zu \Rande I can't manage
    mit jdm zu \Rande kommen (fam) to get on with sb
    * * *
    der; Rand[e]s, Ränder
    1) edge; (Einfassung) border; (HutRand) brim; (BrillenRand, GefäßRand, KraterRand) rim; (eines Abgrunds) brink; (auf einem Schriftstück) margin; (WegRand) verge; (StadtRand) edge; outskirts pl.; (fig.)

    außer Rand und Band geraten/sein — (ugs.) go/be wild ( vor with); (rasen) go/be berserk ( vor with)

    mit etwas [nicht] zu Rande kommen — (ugs.) [not] be able to cope with something; s. auch Grab

    2) (SchmutzRand) mark; (rund) ring; (in der Wanne) tidemark (coll.)

    dunkle Ränder unter den Augen haben — have dark lines under one's eyes


    den Rand halten(salopp) shut one's gob (sl.) or trap (sl.)

    * * *
    …rand m im subst
    1. (Teil):
    Außenrand outer edge, outer rim, perimeter;
    Innenrand inner edge;
    Kraterrand edge ( oder rim) of a ( oder the) crater;
    Ortsrand outskirts pl;
    Stoffrand selvedge
    2. (Streifen)
    Fettrand rim of fat;
    Kalkrand ring of limescale;
    Schmutzrand dirty ring; in der Badewanne: tide-mark, US ring;
    Schweißrand ring left by perspiration, perspiration mark
    * * *
    der; Rand[e]s, Ränder
    1) edge; (Einfassung) border; (HutRand) brim; (BrillenRand, GefäßRand, KraterRand) rim; (eines Abgrunds) brink; (auf einem Schriftstück) margin; (WegRand) verge; (StadtRand) edge; outskirts pl.; (fig.)

    außer Rand und Band geraten/sein — (ugs.) go/be wild ( vor with); (rasen) go/be berserk ( vor with)

    mit etwas [nicht] zu Rande kommen — (ugs.) [not] be able to cope with something; s. auch Grab

    2) (SchmutzRand) mark; (rund) ring; (in der Wanne) tidemark (coll.)

    den Rand halten (salopp) shut one's gob (sl.) or trap (sl.)

    * * *
    ¨-er (Mathematik) m.
    boundary n. ¨-er m.
    border n.
    brim n.
    brink n.
    edge n.
    fringe n.
    lip n.
    margin n.
    rim n.
    side n.
    verge n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > rand

  • 18 csoportosul

    (DE) Cluster; bündeln; s. gruppieren; s. gruppiert; (EN) aggregate; aggroup; band; band together; bunch; cluster; flock; flock together; gather; group; hang about; hang around; jug; pack; rout; troop

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > csoportosul

  • 19 लॄ _lॄ

    लॄ f. A mother, a divine female. -m. Śiva. -f. =
    लृ. cf. लॄर्महात्मा सुरो बालो भूपः स्तोमः कथानकः (वक्ता) । मूर्खो शिश्नो गुदः कक्षा केशः पापरतो नरः ॥ Enm. एकान्वयो मम Ś.7; मनस्येकं वचस्येकं कर्मण्येकं महात्मनाम् H.1.197.
    -4 Firm, unchanged; एको ग्रहस्तु Pt.1.26.
    -5 Single of its kind, unique, singular.
    -6 Chief, supreme, prominent, sole; ब्राह्मण्यास्तद्धरेत्पुत्र एकांशं वै पितुर्धनात् Mb.13.47.11. ˚पार्थिव, ˚धनुर्धरः, ˚ऐश्वर्य M.1.1 sole sovereignty; एको रागिषु राजते Bh.3.121.
    -7 Peerless, matchless.
    -8 One of two or many; Me.3. एकः सख्यास्तव सह मया वामपादाभिलाषी Me.8.
    -9 Oft. used like the English indefinite article 'a', or 'an'; ज्योतिरेकम् Ś.5.3.
    -1 True.
    -11 Little. Oft. used in the middle of comp. in the sense of 'only', with an adjectival or adverbial force; दोषैकदृक् looking only to faults; त्वदेकेषु Ku.3.15 your arrow only; so भोगैकबद्धस्पृहः. एकः-अन्यः, or अपरः the one- the other; अजामेकां लोहित... नमामः । अजो ह्येको... अजोन्यः Śvet. Up.4.5; it is used in the plural in the sense of some, its correlative being अन्ये or अपरे (others); एके समूहुर्बलरेणुसंहतिं शिरोभिराज्ञामपरे महीभृतः ॥ Śi.12.45; see अन्य, अपर also.
    -कः N. of Viṣṇu. the ऴSupreme Being or Prajāpati; एक इति च प्रजापतेरभिधानमिति । ŚB. on MS. 1.3.13.
    (-कम्) 1 The mind; एकं विनिन्ये स जुगोप सप्त सप्तैव तत्याज ररक्ष पञ्च Bu. Ch.2.41.
    -2 unity, a unit; Hch.
    -का N. of Durgā. [cf. Persian yak; L. aequus].
    -Comp. -अंशः a separate part, part in general. विष्टभ्याह- मिदं कृत्स्नमेकांशेन स्थितो जगत् Bg.1.42. एकांशश्च प्रधानतः Ms. 9.15.
    -अक्ष a.
    1 having only one axle. द्विचक्रमेकाक्षम् (रथम्) Bhāg.4.26.1.
    -2 having one eye.
    -3 having an excellent eye.
    (-क्षः) 1 a crow.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -अक्षर a. monosyllabic. ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म Bg.8.13.
    (-रम्) 1 a monosyllable.
    -2 the sacred syllable; ओम्; एकाक्षरं परं ब्रह्म Ms.2.83.
    -3 The sole imperishable thing; एका- क्षरमभिसंभूय Av.5.28.8.
    -4 N. of an Upaniṣad. ˚कोशः a vocabulary of monosyllabic words by Puruṣottama- deva. ˚रीभावः the production of only one syllable, con- traction.
    -अग्नि a. Keeping only one fire; Āpastamba Dharma Sūtra 2.21.21. (
    -कः) One and the same fire.
    -अग्र a.
    1 fixed on one object or point only.
    -2 closely attentive, concentrated, intent; तद्गीतश्रवणैकाग्रा R.15.66; K.49; कच्चिदेतच्छ्रुतं पार्थ त्वयैकाग्रेण चेतसा Bg.18.72; मनुमे- काग्रमासीनम् Ms.1.1.
    -3 unperplexed.
    -4 known, cele- brated.
    -5 single-pointed. (
    -ग्रः) (in Math.) the whole of the long side of a figure which is subdivided. ˚चित्त, ˚मनस् a. with a concentrated mind, with un- divided attention. ˚चित्तम्, ˚चित्तता intentness of purpose, concentration of mind; तत्रैकाग्रं मनःकृत्वा Bg.6.12;18.72. °reeदृष्टि a. fixing one's eye on one spot.
    -अग्ऱ्य = ˚अग्र. (
    -ग्ऱ्यम्) concentration.
    -अङ्गः 1 a body-guard.
    -2 the planet Mercury or Mars.
    -3 N. of Viṣṇu. ˚वधः Mutilation of a limb; Kau. A.4.
    -4 Having a unique or beautiful shape.
    (-अङ्गम्) 1 a single member or part.
    -2 sandal wood.
    -3 the head. (
    -ङ्गौ) a married couple. (
    -ङ्गी) Incomplete; ˚रूपक incomplete, simile.
    -अञ्जलिः A handful.
    -अङ्गिका preparation made with sandal-wood.
    -अण्डः a kind of horse.
    -अधिपतिः a sole monarch or sovereign.
    -अनंशा the only (day) receiving no part of the moon, an epithet of Kuhū or day of new moon (born together with Kṛiṣṇa and worshipped with Kṛiṣ&na and Bala- deva and identified with Durgā).
    -अनुदिष्ट a.
    1 left as a funeral feast or one who has recently partaken in it. (
    -ष्टम्) a funeral ceremony performed for only one ancestor (recently dead); see एकोद्दिष्ट; यावदेकानुदिष्टस्य गन्धो लेपश्च तिष्ठति Ms.4.111.
    -अन्त a.
    1 solitary, retired.
    -2 aside, apart.
    -3 directed towards one point or object only.
    -4 excessive, great; ˚शैत्यात्- कदलीविशेषाः Ku.1.36.
    -5 worshipping only one; devoted to only one (एकनिष्ठ); एकान्तजनप्रियः Bhāg.8.24.31.
    -6 absolute, invariable, perpetual; स्वायत्तमेकान्तगुणम् Bh.2.7; कस्यैकान्तं सुखमुपगतम् Me.111.
    (-तः) 1 a lonely or retired place, solitude; तासामेकान्तविन्यस्ते शयानां शयने द्युमे Rām.5.1.5. व्योम˚ विहारिणः Pt.2.2; H.1.49.
    -2 exclusiveness.
    -3 an invariable rule or course of conduct or action; तस्मादेकान्तमासाद्य Pt.3.7.
    -4 exclusive aim or boundary. (
    -तम्) an exclusive recourse, a settled rule or principle; तेजः क्षमा वा नैकान्तं काल- ज्ञस्य महीपतेः Śi.2.83. (
    -तम्, -तेन, -ततः, -ते) ind.
    1 solely, exclusively, invariably, always, absolutely, युद्धे नैकान्तेन भवेज्जयः Mb.5.64.27.
    -2 exceeding, quite, wholly, very much; वयमप्येकान्ततो निःस्पृहाः Bh.3.24; दुःखमेकान्ततो वा Me.111; oft. in comp.; ˚विध्वंसिन् sure or destined to perish; R.2.57; ˚भीरु Mu. 3.5 always timid; so एकान्तकरुण very weak &c.
    -3 alone, apart, privately. ˚भूत being alone or solitary; विलोक्यैकान्तभूतानि भूतान्यादौ प्रजापतिः Bhāg.6.18.3. ˚मति a. devoted to one object only. ˚विहारिन् a. a solitary wanderer. ˚सुषमा 'containing exclusively good years', a division of time with Jainas. ˚स्थित a. staying or remaining apart.
    -अन्तर a. next but one, separated by one remove; द्वन्द्वं दक्षमरीचिसंभवमिदं तत्स्रष्टुरेकान्तरम् Ś.7.27; V.1. (
    -रः) a kind of fever.
    -अन्तिक a. final, conclusive.
    -अन्तित्वम् devotion to one object.
    -अन्तिन् a. devoted to one object only; अहो अत्यद्भुतं ह्येतद् दुर्लभैकान्ति- नामपि Bhāg.7.1.15. -m. a worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -अन्नम् one and the same food.
    (-न्नः), -˚आदिन् 1 a mess-mate.
    -2 One who lives on the alms from only one house; नैकान्नादी भवेद् व्रती Ms.2.188.
    -अपचयः, अपायः Diminution by one.
    -अब्दा a heifer one year old.
    1 passable for only one (as a foot-path) Mb.3.
    -2 fixing one's thoughts on one object, closely attentive, intent; see एकाग्र.
    (-नम्) 1 a lonely or retired place; एकायनगतः पथि Mb.1.176.5; Rām. 3.67.23.
    -2 a meeting-place, rendezvous. सर्वासामपां समुद्र एकायनम् Bṛi. Up.2.4.11.
    -3 union of thoughts.
    -4 monotheism.
    -5 the sole object; सा स्नेहस्य एकायनीभूता M.2.14; एकायनीभूय Mv.4 with one accord, unani- mously.
    -6 One and the same way, similarity; एकमेवायनगताः प्लवमाना गिरेर्गिरम् Rām.4.2.9.
    -7 Worldly wisdom (नीतिशास्त्र); नाम वै एकायनम् Ch. Up.7.1.2. ˚गत = एकायन q. v. तरुणः सुकृतैर्युक्त एकायनगतश्च ह Mb.7.12.22. ˚स्थः With only one resource open, driven to extremity; शूरश्चैकायनस्थश्च किमन्यत्प्रतिपद्यते Pratijñā.1.7.
    -अर्णवः general flood, universal deluge; अयं ह्युत्सहते क्रुद्धः कर्तुमे- कार्णवं जगत् Rām.5.49.2.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 having one and the same meaning, having the same object in view; राजन्यकान्युपायज्ञैरेकार्थानि चरैस्तव Śi.2.114.
    -2 (Rhet.) Tautological (as a sentence); Kāvyālaṅkāravṛitti. 2.1.11.
    (-र्थः) 1 the same thing, object, or intention.
    -2 the same meaning.
    -3 N. of a glossary (of synonymous words); cf. एकार्थनाममाला.
    - अवम a. inferior or less by one.
    - अवयव a. made up of the same components.
    -अशीत or ˚तितम a. eighty-first.
    -अशीतिः f. eighty-one.
    -अष्टका 1 the first or chief Aṣṭakā after the full moon; एकाष्टके सुप्रजसः सुवीरा Av.3.1.5.
    -2 the eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Māgha (on which a श्राद्ध is to be performed).
    -अष्ठीका (ला) The root of the trumpet-flower (Mar. पहाडमूळ).
    -अष्ठील a. having one kernel. (
    -लः) N. of a plant (बकवृक्ष); A white variety of Gigantic swallow- wort (Mar. रुईमांदार).
    -अहन् (ह) 1 the period of one day.
    -2 a sacrifice lasting for one day. ˚गमः, ˚अध्वा a day's journey.
    -आतपत्र a. characterized by only one umbrella (showing universal sovereignty); एकातपत्रं जगतः प्रभुत्वम् R.2.47. ˚त्रां भुवम् 18.4; K.26; Śi.12. 33; V.3.19.
    -आत्मन् a. depending solely on one-self, solitary.
    -आदेशः cf. Sk. on P.VI.1.11. one substitute for two or more letters (got by either dropping one vowel, or by the blending of both); as the आ in एकायन.
    -आयु a.
    1 providing the most excellent food.
    -2 the first living being. एकायुरग्रे विश आविवाससि Rv.1.31.5.
    -आवलिः, -ली f.
    1 a single string of pearls, beads &c.; सूत्रमेकावली शुद्धा Kau. A.2.11. एका- वली कण्ठविभूषणं वः Vikr.1.3; लताविटपे एकावली लग्ना V.1.
    -2 (in Rhetoric) Necklace- a series of statements in which there is a regular transition from a predicate to a subject, or from a subject to a predicate; स्थाप्यते$पोह्यते वापि यथापूर्वं परस्परम् । विशेषणतया यत्र वस्तु सैकावली द्विधा ॥ K. P.1; cf. Chandr.5.13-4; नेत्रे कर्णान्तविश्रान्ते कर्णो दोःस्तम्भदोलितौ &c. and Bk.2.19.
    -आहार्य a. having the same food; making no difference between allowed and forbidden food; एकहार्यं युगं सर्वम् Mb.3.19.41.
    -उक्तिः f. a single expression or word.
    -उत्तर a. greater or increasing by one.
    -उदकः (a relative) connected by the offering of funeral libations of water to the same deceased ancestor; जन्मन्येकोदकानां तु त्रिरात्राच्छुद्धिरिष्यते Ms.5.71.
    -उदरः, -रा uterine, (brother or sister).
    -उदात्त a. having one Udātta accent.
    -उद्दिष्टम् a Śrāddha or funeral rite performed for one definite individual deceased, not including other ancestors; see एकानुदिष्ट.
    -ऊन a. less by one, minus one.
    -ऋच् a. consisting of one verse (ऋच्). (
    -चम्) A Sūkta of one verse only; Av.19.23.2.
    -एक a. one by one, one taken singly, a single one; एकैकमप्यनर्थाय किमु यत्र चतुष्टयम् H. Pr.11; R.17.43.
    (-कम्), -एकैकशः, ind. one by one, singly, severally एकैकमत्र दिवसे दिवसे Ś.6.11; ˚कं निर्दिशन् Ś.7 pointing to each severally.
    -श्यम् (एककश्यम्) Single state, severally एकैकश्येनानुपूर्वं भूत्वा भूत्वेह जायते Bhāg.7.15.51.
    -˚श्येन (instrumental used as an adv.) individually, singly, one by one. ते यदि एकैकश्येनापि कुर्वन्ति तथापि सत्रक्रियामभिसमीक्ष्य बहव एव कुर्वन्तीति बहुवचनं भविष्यति । ŚB on MS.1.6.45.
    -ओघः 1 a continuous current.
    -2 A single flight (of arrows); एकौघेन स्वर्णपुङ्खैर्द्विषन्तः (आकिरन्ति स्म) Śi. 18.55.
    -कपाल a. consisting of or contained in one cup.
    -कर a. (
    -री f.)
    1 doing only one thing.
    -2 (-रा) one-handed.
    -3 one-rayed.
    -कार्य a.
    1 acting in concert with, co-operating, having made common cause with; co-worker; अस्माभिः सहैककार्याणाम् Mu.2; R.1.4.
    -2 answering the same end.
    -3 having the same occu- pation. (
    -र्यम्) sole or same business.
    -कालः 1 one time.
    -2 the same time, (
    -लम्, -ले) ind. at one time, at one and the same time; एककालं चरेद्भैक्षम् Ms.6.55. ˚भोजनम् eating but one meal in any given time.
    -कालिकम् Once a day; तेभ्यो लब्धेन भैक्ष्येण वर्तयन्नेककालिकम् Ms.11.123.
    -कालीन a.
    1 happening once only;
    -2 Contemporary, coeval.
    -कुण्डलः (लिन्) N. of Kubera; of Balabhadra and Śeṣa; गर्गस्रोतो महातीर्थमाजगामैककुण्डली Mb.9.37.14. cf. एककुण्डल आख्यातो बलरामे धनाधिपे Medini.
    -कुष्ठम् a kind of leprosy; कृष्णारुणं येन भवे- च्छरीरं तदेककुष्ठं प्रवदन्त्यसाध्यम् Suśr.
    -क्षीरम् the milk of one (nurse &c.).
    -गम्यः the supreme spirit.
    -गुरु, गुरुक a. having the same preceptor. (
    -रुः, -रुकः) a spiritual brother (pupil of the same preceptor).
    -ग्राम a. living in the same village. (
    -मः) the same village.
    -ग्रामीण a. Inhabiting the same village; नैकग्रामीणमतिथिम् Ms.3.13.
    -चक्र a.
    1 having only one wheel. (said of the sun's chariot); सप्त युञ्जन्ति रथमेक- चक्रम् Rv.1.164.2.
    -2 governed by one king only. (
    -क्रः) the chariot of the sun. ˚वर्तिन् m. sole master of the whole universe, universal monarch. (
    -क्रा) N. of the town Kīchakas.
    -चत्वारिंशत् f. forty-one.
    -चर a.
    1 wandering or living alone, alone; अयमेकचरो$ भिवर्तते माम् Ki.13.3;3.53. Kau. A.1.18. स्वच्छन्दमेकचरं Mudrā.
    -2 having one attendant.
    -3 living un- assisted.
    -4 going together or at the same time.
    -5 gregarious.
    -6 (Said of certain animals); न भक्षयेदेकचरान् Ms.5.17; Bhāg.5.8.18.
    (-रः) 1 a rhinoceros.
    -2 An ascetic (यति); नाराजके जनपदे चरत्येकचरो वशी Rām.2.67.23.
    - चरण a. having only one foot.
    -चारिन् a.
    1 living alone, solitary.
    -2 going alone or with one follower only.
    -3 An atten- dant of Buddha. (
    -णी) a loyal wife.
    -चित्त a. thinking of one thing only, absorbed in one object.
    (-त्तम्) 1 fixedness of thought upon one object.
    -2 unanimity एकचित्तीभूय H.1 unanimously; ˚ता fixedness of mind, agreement, unanimity.
    -चिन्तनम् thinking of only one object.
    -चिन्मय a. Consisting of intelligence; Rāmt. Up.
    -चेतस्, -मनस् a. unanimous; see ˚चित्त.
    -चोदन a. Resting upon one rule. (
    -नम्) referring to in the singular number.
    -च्छत्र a. Ruled by one king solely.
    -च्छायाश्रित a. Involved in similarity (of debt) with one debtor (said of a surety); Y.2.56.
    - a.
    1 born alone or single.
    -2 growing alone (a tree); महानप्येकजो वृक्षो बलवान्सुप्रतिष्ठितः Pt.3.54.
    -3 alone of its kind.
    -4 uniform, unchanging.
    -जः, -जा a brother or sister of the same parents.
    -जटा N. of a goddess उग्रतारा.
    -जन्मन् m.
    1 a king.
    -2 a Śūdra; see ˚जाति below.
    -जात a. born of the same parents; Ms.9.148.
    -जाति a.
    1 once born.
    -2 belonging to the same family or caste. (
    -तिः) a Śūdra (opp. द्विजन्मन्); ब्राह्मणः क्षत्रियो वैश्यस्त्रयो वर्णा द्विजातयः । चतुर्थ एकजातिस्तु शूद्रो नास्ति तु पञ्चमः ॥ Ms.1.4;8.27.
    -जातीय a. of the same kind, species or family. ˚अनुसमयः performance of one detail with reference to all things or persons, then doing the second, then the third and so on (see पदार्थानुसमय) Ms.5.2.1-2.
    -जीववादः (in phil.) the assertion of a living soul only.
    -ज्या the chord of an arc; sine of 3˚.
    -ज्योतिस् m. N. of Śiva.
    -तान a. con- centrated or fixed on one object only, closely attentive; ब्रह्मैकतानमनसो हि वसिष्ठमिश्राः Mv.3.11.
    (-नः) 1 atten- tion fixed on one object only; A. Rām.6.2.2.
    -2 musical harmony, = ˚तालः
    -ताल a. Having a single palm tree; एकताल एवोत्पातपवनप्रेरितो गिरिः R.15.23.
    -तालः harmony, accurate adjustment of song, dance, and instrumental music (cf. तौर्यत्रिकम्).
    -लम् A kind of sculptural measurement. (
    -ली) an instrument for beating time, any instrument having but one note.
    -तीर्थिन् a.
    1 bathing in the same holy water.
    -2 belonging to the same religious order; क्रमेणाचार्यसच्छिष्य- धर्मभ्रात्रेकतीर्थिनः Y.2.137. -m. a fellow student, spiritual brother.
    -तेजन a. Ved. having only one shaft (an arrow).
    -त्रिंशत् f. thirty-one; ˚त्रिंश 31st.
    -त्रिकः a kind of sacrifice performed in or lasting for a day.
    -दंष्ट्रः, -दन्तः "one-tusked", epithets of Gaṇeśa (एकदंष्ट्रः) A kind of fever.
    -दण्डिन् m.
    1 N. of a class of Sannyāsins or beggars (otherwise called हंस). They are divided into four orders:-- कुटीचको बहूदको हंसश्चैव तृतीयकः । चतुर्थः परहंसश्च यो यः पश्चात्स उत्तमः ॥ Hārita.
    -2 N. of a Vedantic school.
    -दलः, -पत्रः N. of a plant (चन्डालकन्द).
    -दिश् a. living in the same region or quarter.
    -दुःखसुख a. sympathising, having the same joys and sorrows.
    -दृश्, -दृष्टि a. one-eyed. -m.
    1 a crow.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 a philosopher.
    -दृश्य a. the sole object of vision, alone being worthy of being seen. तमेकदृश्यं नयनैः पिबन्त्यो Ku.7.64.
    -दृष्टिः f. fixed or steady look.
    -देवः the Supreme god.
    -देवत, -दे(दै)वत्य a. devoted, directed or offered to one deity.
    -देश a. occupying the same place.
    (-शः) 1 one spot or place.
    -2 a part or portion (of the whole), one side; ˚अवतीर्णा K.22; तस्यैकदेशः U.4; Mv.2; विभावितैकदेशेन देयं यदभियुज्यते V.4.33 'what is claimed should be given by one who is proved to have got a part of it'; (this is sometimes called एकदेशविभावितन्याय) ˚क्षाण a. partly burnt. एकदेशक्षाणमपि क्षाणमेव । ŚB. on MS.6.4.18.
    -देशिन् a. consisting of parts or portions divided into parts. -m. A disputant knowing only part of the true state of the case.
    -देह, -देहिन् a.
    1 having only one body.
    -2 elegantly formed.
    (-हः) 1 the planet Mercury.
    -2 (du.) Husband and wife.
    -धनः a kind of jug with which water is taken up at certain religious ceremonies.
    (-नम्) 1 an excellent gift.
    -2 honorific offering.
    -धनिन् a. obtaining an honorific offering,
    -धर्मन्, -धर्मिन् a.
    1 possessing the same properties of the same kind.
    -2 professing the same religion.
    -धुर, -धुरावह, -धुरीण a.
    1 fit for but one kind of labour.
    -2 fit for but one yoke (as cattle for special burden; P.IV.4.79).
    -धुरा a particular load or con- veyance.
    -नक्षत्रम् a lunar mansion consisting of only one star.
    -नटः the principal actor in a drama, the manager (सूत्रधार) who recites the prologue.
    -नयनः The planet Venus.
    -नवतः ninety-first.
    -नवतिः f. ninety-one.
    -नाथ a. having one master.
    (-थः) 1 sole master or lord.
    -2 N. of an author.
    -नायकः N. of Śiva.
    -निश्चय a. come to the same conclusion or resolution, having the same aim. (
    -यः) general agreement or con- clusion, unanimity.
    -निपातः A particle which is a single word.
    -निष्ठ a.
    1 intently devoted or loyal (to one thing).
    -2 intently fixed on one object.
    -नेत्रः 1 N. of Śiva; (one-eyed).
    -2 (With Śaivas) One of the eight forms of Vidyeśvara.
    -पक्ष a.
    1 of the same side or party, an associate.
    -2 partial. (
    -क्षः) one side or party; ˚आश्रयविक्लवत्वात् R.14.34; ˚क्षे in one point of view, in one case.
    -पक्षीभावः The state of being the one alternative.
    -पञ्चाशत् f. fifty-one.
    -पतिक a. having the same husband.
    -पत्नी 1 a faithful wife (perfectly chaste); तां चावश्यं दिवसगणनातत्परामेकपत्नीम् Me.1.
    -2 the wife of a man who has no other wives; यो धर्म एकपत्नीनां काङ्क्षन्ती तमनुत्तमम् Ms.5.158.
    -3 the wife of the same man; a co-wife; सर्वासामेकपत्नीनामेका चेत्पुत्रिणी भवेत् Ms.9. 183. ˚व्रतम् a vow of perfect chastity; कामेकपत्नीव्रतदुःख- शीलाम् Ku.3.7.
    -पत्रिका the plant Ocimum Gratissimum (गन्धपत्रा; Mar. नागदवणी)
    -पद्, -पाद् a.
    1 one-footed, limping, lame.
    -2 incomplete. (
    -पाद्) m. N. of Śiva or Viṣṇu. (
    -पदी) a foot-path (for a single man to walk on). एकपद्या तया यान्ती नलिकायन्त्रतुल्यया Śiva. B.28.66
    -पद a.
    1 one-footed.
    -2 consisting of or named in one word.
    (-दम्) 1 a single step.
    -2 single or simple word.
    -3 the time required to pronounce a single word.
    -4 present time, same time;
    (-दः) 1 a man having one foot.
    -2 a kind of coitus (रतिबन्ध). (
    -दे) ind. sudden- ly, all at once, abruptly; निहन्त्यरीनेकपदे य उदात्तः स्वरानिव Śi.2.95; R.8.48; K.45; V.4.3. (
    -दा) a verse con- sisting of only one Pāda or quarter stanza.
    (-दी) 1 a woman having one foot.
    -2 a Gāyatrī consisting of one Pāda. गायत्र्यस्येकपदी Bṛi. Up.5.14.7.
    -3 Foot-path (Mar. पाऊलवाट); इयमेकपदी राजन्यतो मे पितुराश्रमः Rām. 2.63.44.
    -पर a. Ved. an epithet of the dice in which one is decisive or of pre-eminent importance.
    -परि ind. one over or under, (a term at dice; cf. अक्षपरि). अक्षस्याह- मेकहरस्य हेतोः Rv.1.34.2.
    -पर्णा 1 N. of a younger sister of Durgā.
    -2 N. of Durgā.
    -3 a plant having one leaf only.
    -पलाशः a. a single Butea Frondosa.
    -पाटला N. of a younger sister of Durgā; N. of Durgā.
    -पाणः a single wager.
    -पात a. happening at once, sudden.
    -तः The first word of a Mantra (प्रतीक).
    -पतिन् a.
    1 sudden.
    -2 standing alone or solitary. (
    -नी) i. e. ऋक् a verse to be taken by itself or independently of the hymn to which it belongs.
    -पाद a.
    1 having only one foot; तत्र शिश्रिये$ज एकपादः Av.13.1.6.
    -2 using only one foot.
    (-दः) 1 one or single foot.
    -2 one and the same Pāda.
    -3 N. of Viṣṇu and Śiva.
    -पादिका a kind of posture of birds.
    -पार्थिवः Sole ruler or king; न केवलं तद्गुरुरेक- पार्थिवः R.3.31.
    -पिङ्गः, -पिङ्गलः N. of Kubera; having a yellow mark in place of one eye; (his eye was so made on account of a curse uttered by Pārvatī when he cast an evil eye at her;) Dk.2.4.
    -पिण्ड a. united by the offering of the funeral rice-ball;
    ˚ता, -त्वम् consanguinity.
    -पुत्र a. having only one son.
    -पुरुषः 1 the Supreme Being; वेदान्तेषु यमाहुरेकपुरुषम् V.1.1;
    -2 the chief person. a. Consisting of only one man. तथैकपुरुषं राष्ट्रम् Bhāg.6.5.7.
    -पुष्कलः (रः) N. of a musical instrument (Mar. काहल); ततः प्रयाते दाशार्हे प्रावाद्यन्तैकपुष्कराः Mb.5.94.21.
    -प्रकार a. of the same kind.
    -प्रख्य a. singularly like.
    -प्रभुत्वम् sole sovereignty.
    -प्रयत्नः one effort (of the voice).
    -प्रस्थः a measure.
    -प्रहारिक a. killed by one blow. Mk.8.
    -प्राणयोगः union in one breath.
    -बुद्धि a. having only one thought.
    -भक्त a.
    1 serving one master only.
    -2 worshipping one deity.
    -3 eating together. (
    -भूक्तम्) N. of a religi- ous ceremony; eating but one meal (a day) Mb.3; Y.3.318. ˚व्रतम् eating but once a day as a religious observance.
    -भक्ति a.
    1 believing in one deity.
    -2 firmly devoted; तेषां ज्ञानी नित्ययुक्त एकभक्तिर्विशिष्यते Bg.7. 17. -f. eating but one meal a day.
    -भार्या a faithful or chaste wife. तामेकभार्यां परिवादभीरोः R.14.86 (
    -र्यः) one having one wife only.
    -भाव a. of the same or one nature.
    -2 sincerely devoted.
    -3 honest, sincerely disposed.
    (-वः) 1 one feeling, the same or unchanged devotion; दुर्ग्राह्यत्वान्नृपतिमनसां नैकभावाश्रयाणां सेवाधर्मः परमगहनः Pt.1.285;3.65. स्वतेजसा सत्त्वगुणप्रवाहमात्मैकभावेन भजध्वमद्धा Bhāg.
    -2 oneness, agreement. cf. एको भावः सदा शस्तो यतीनां भवितात्मनाम्
    -भूत a.
    1 being one, undivided
    -2 concentrated, closely attentive.
    -भूमः a palace having one floor.
    -भोजन, -भुक्त a.
    1 eating but one meal.
    -2 eating in common.
    -मति a.
    1 fixed on one object.
    -2 unanimous, thinking in the same way.
    -मनस् a. thinking with another, of one thought; ते निर्यान्तु मया सहैकमनसो येषामभीष्टं यशः Mu.2.13.
    -2 fixing the mind upon one object, closely attentive; गच्छन्तमेकमनसम् Mb.1.42.36. एकमनाः श्रोतुमर्हति देवः M.2.
    -मात्र a. of one syllable.
    -मुख a.
    1 having the face directed towards one place, direction of object; सहस्रं स एकमुखो ददाति Av.9.4.9.
    -2 having the same aim.
    -3 having one chief or head; द्यूतमेकमुखं कार्यम् Y.2.23.
    -4 having one door or entrance (as a मण्डप).
    (-खम्) 1 gambling.
    -2 a kind of fruit (रुद्राक्षफल).
    -मूर्धन् = ˚मुख q. v. Av.8.9.15.
    -मूला = अतसी q. v.
    -यष्टिः, -यष्टिका a single string of pearls.
    -योनि a.
    1 uterine.
    -2 of the same family or caste; एतद्विधानं विज्ञेयं विभाग- स्यैकयोनिषु Ms.9.148.
    -रजः the plant भृङ्गराज (Mar. माका).
    -रथः An eminent warrior; Mb.3.
    -रश्मि a. Lustrous Mb.4.
    -रस a.
    1 finding pleasure only in one thing, of one flavour; रसान्तराण्येकरसं यथा दिव्यं पयो$श्नुते R.1.17.
    -2 of one feeling or sentiment only; साहस˚ U.5.21 influenced only by rashness; विक्रम˚ K.7; भावैकरसं मनः Ku.5.82; M.3.1; Bv.2.155; Śi.6.26; V.1.9.
    -3 of one tenor, stable, equable; Māl.4.7; U.4.15.
    -4 solely or exclusively devoted (to one); अबलैकरसाः R.9.43,8.65.
    (-सः) 1 oneness of aim or feeling.
    -2 the only flavour or pleasure. (
    -सम्) a drama of one sentiment.
    -राज्, -राजः m. an absolute king; प्राङ् विशाम्पतिरेकराट् त्वं वि राज Av.3.4.1. a. Shining alone, alone visible; स वा एष तदा द्रष्टा नाप- श्यद् दृश्यमेकराट् Bhāg.3.5.24.
    -रात्रः a ceremony lasting one night. (
    -त्रम्) one night; एकरात्रं तु निवसन्नतिथिर्ब्राह्मणः स्मृतः Ms.3.12.
    -रात्रिक a. lasting or sufficient for one night only.
    -राशिः 1 a heap, crowd.
    -2 a sign of the zodiac. ˚भूत a. collected or heaped together.
    -रिक्थिन् m. a coheir; यद्येकरिक्थिनौ स्यातामौरसक्षेत्रजौ सुतौ Ms.9.162.
    -रूप a.
    1 of one form or kind, like, similar; आसवः प्रतिपदं प्रमदानां नैकरूपरसतामिव भेजे Ki.9.55.
    -2 uniform, one-coloured; Rv.1.169.2.
    (-पम्) 1 one form or kind;
    -2 The knowledge of reality. विमोचयत्येकरूपेण Sāṅ. K.63. ˚ता uniformity, invariableness; क्षणद्युतीनां दधुरेकरूपताम् Ki.8.2.
    -रूप्य a. formed or arising from one.
    -लिङ्गः 1 a word having one gender only.
    -2 N. of Kubera. (
    -ङ्गम्) a place in which for five krośas there is but one लिङ्ग (Phallus); पञ्चक्रोशान्तरे यत्र न लिङ्गान्तरमीक्ष्यते । तदेकलिङ्गमाख्यातं तत्र सिद्धिरनुत्तमा ॥ Śabdak.
    -वचनम् the singular number.
    -वर्ण a.
    1 of one colour.
    -2 identical, same.
    -3 of one tribe or caste.
    -4 involving the use of one letter (˚समीकरण).
    (-र्णः) 1 one form.
    -2 a Brāhmaṇa.
    -3 a word of one syllable.
    -4 a superior caste. (
    -र्णी) beating time, the instru- ment (castanet); ˚समीकरणम् an equation involving one unknown quantity.
    -वर्णिक a.
    1 of one colour.
    -2 of one caste.
    -वर्षिका a heifer one year old.
    -वस्त्र, -वसन a. having only one garment, in one dress (without उत्तरीय). (
    -स्त्रम्) a single garment.
    -वाक्यम् one or unanimous opinion; एकवाक्यं विवव्रः R.6.85 raised a unanimous cry; ˚ता consistency in meaning, unanimity, reconciling different statements, syntactical unity; प्रकरणाच्च ज्योतिष्टोमेनैकवाक्यता स्यात् । ŚB. on MS.1. 5.37.
    -वाक्यकृ 8 U. To effect syntactical unity, to construe as one sentence. तस्मात् प्रकृतानां... देवतानामन्यतमया देवतया प्रकृतत्वादेकवाक्यतां कृत्वा देवतामवगमिष्यामः । ŚB. on MS.1. 8.5.
    -वाक्यया 2 P. (with instrumental) To form one sentence with, to be syntactically connected with; न वै कृतं कर्म प्राकृतैरङ्गपदार्थैः सहैकवाक्यतां याति । ŚB. on MS.1. 1.2.
    ˚त्वम् syntactical unity. The state of forming or being one sentence; एकवाक्यत्वाच्च । Ms.1.1.8.
    -वाचक a. Synonymous.
    -वादः 1 a kind of drum or tabor (Mar. डफ).
    -2 the unitarian doctrine, monotheism.
    -वारम्, -वारे ind.
    1 only once.
    -2 at once, suddenly.
    -3 at one time.
    -वासस् a. Clothed in only one garment.
    -वासा A woman; Nigh.
    -विंश a. twenty-first; consisting of twentyone. (
    -शः) the Ekaviṁśa- ṣ&tod;oma; Av.8.9.2.
    -विंशक a. The twentyfirst; दश पूर्वान्परान् वंश्यानात्मानं चैकविंशकम् । ब्राह्मीपुत्रः सुकृतकृन्मोचयेदेनसः पितॄन् ॥ Ms.3.37.
    -कम् The number twentyone; Y.3.224.
    -विंशतिः f. twentyone.
    -विजयः Complete victory; Kau. A.12.
    -विध a. of one kind; simple.
    -विलोचन a. one-eyed; see एकदृष्टि.
    -विषयिन् m. a rival (having a common object or end in view).
    -वीरः a pre-eminent warrior or hero; धर्म˚ Mv.5.48.
    -रा N. of a daughter of Śiva, a deity.
    -वृक्षः 1 one tree.
    -2 a district in which but one tree is seen for 4 Krośas.
    -वृत f. heaven.
    -वृन्दम 1 a peculiar disease of the throat.
    -2 one heap or collection.
    -वृषः Ved. the chief bull; the best or most excellent of a number.
    -वेणिः, -णी f. a single braid of hair (worn by a woman as a mark of her separation from her hus- band &c.); गण्डाभोगात्कठिनविषमामेकवेणीं करेण Me.93; ˚धरा Ś.7; धृत˚ Ś.7.21.
    -वेश्मन् n. a solitary house or room; विप्रदुष्टां स्त्रियं भर्ता निरुन्ध्यादेकवेश्मनि Ms.11.176.
    -व्यवसायिन् a. following the same profession.
    -व्याव- हारिकाः N. of a Buddhist school.
    -शत a. 11 st. (
    -तम्) 11; अत्रैतदेकशतं नाडीनां Prasna. Up.3.6.
    -शक a. whole-hoofed. (
    -फः) an animal whose hoof is not cloven (as a horse, ass &c.); अजाविकं सैकशफं न जातु विषमं भजेत् Ms.9.119.
    -शरणम् the sole recourse or refuge (especially applied to a deity).
    -शरीर a. of one body or blood, consanguineous. ˚अन्वयः consan- guineous descent. ˚अवयवः a descendant in a right line, blood-kinsman. ˚आरम्भः commencement of consangui- nity by the union of father and mother.
    -शल्यः A kind of fish; Rām.5.11.17.
    -शाख a. having one branch. (
    -खः) a Brāhmaṇa of the same branch or school.
    -शायिन् a. Sleeping alone, chaste; Mb.13.
    -शाला A single hall or room; (
    -लम् A house consisting of one hall; Matsya P.
    -शीर्षन् = ˚मुख q. v. Av.13.4.6.
    -शुङ्ग a. having one sheath. (
    -ङ्गा) N. of a medicinal plant.
    -शुल्कम् One and the same purchase money (given to the parents of a bride); अन्यां चेद्दर्शयित्वा$न्या वोढुः कन्या प्रदीयते । उभे ते एकशुल्केन वहेदित्यब्रवीन्मनुः ॥ Ms.8.24.
    -शृङ्ग a. having only one horn.
    (-ङ्गः) 1 a unicorn; rhinoceros.
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a class of Pitṛis.
    -4 a mountain having one top.
    -शेपः a tree having one root.
    -शेषः 'the remainder of one', a species of Dvandva compound in which one of two or more words only is retained; e. g. पितरौ father and mother, parents, (= मातापितरौ); so श्वशुरौः, भ्रातरः &c.
    -श्रुत a. once heard. ˚धर a. keeping in mind what one has heard once.
    -श्रुतिः f.
    1 monotony.
    -2 the neutral accentless tone. (
    -ति) ind. in a monotonous manner.
    -श्रुष्टि a. Ved. obedient to one command.
    -षष्ट a. sixty-first.
    -षष्टिः f. sixty-one. ˚तम a. sixty first.
    -संस्थ a. dwelling in one place; R.6.29.
    -सप्तत, ˚तितम् a. seventy-first.
    -सप्ततिः f. seventy-one.
    -सभम् a common place of meeting.
    -सर्ग a. closely attentive. (
    -र्गः) concentration.
    -सहस्रम् 11 or one thousand; वृषभैकसहस्रा गा दद्यात्सुचरितव्रतः Ms.11.127.
    -साक्षिक a. witnessed by one.
    -सार्थम् ind. together, in one company.
    -सूत्रम् N. of a small double drum played by a string and ball attached to the body of it (Mar. डमरू).
    -स्तोमः N. of Soma ceremony.
    -स्थ a.
    1 being or centred in one place; in one man; ज्ञानमेकस्थमाचार्ये...... शौर्यमेकस्थमाचार्ये Mb.7.188.45. Ku. 1.49; हन्तैकस्थं क्वचिदपि न ते चण्डि सादृश्यमस्ति Me.16.
    -2 close-standing, standing side by side.
    -3 collected, combined.
    -स्थानम् one or the same place; एकस्थाने प्रसूते वाक् Pt.4.5.
    -2 Standing closely; विपक्षेणापि मरुता यथैकस्थानवीरुधः Pt.3.53.
    -हंसः the chief or highest Haṁsa (an allegorical designation of the soul). हिरण्मयः पुरुष एकहंसः Bṛi. Up.4.3.11.
    -हायन a. one year old; त्रस्तैकहायनकुरङ्गविलोलदृष्टिः Māl.4.8; U.3.28. (
    -नी) a heifer one year old. (
    -नम्) the period of one year.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > लॄ _lॄ

См. также в других словарях:

  • Jug Band — Un jug band (littéralement : groupe pichet , le terme jug désignant un pichet en anglais) est un groupe de musique composé de musiciens qui utilisent à la fois des instruments traditionnels et des instruments bricolés. On y trouvait donc… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • jug band — ☆ jug band n. [from the jug used to produce bass notes by blowing across the opening] a kind of small string band or jazz band using simple instruments, as guitars, harmonicas, and kazoos, and makeshift ones, as washtubs or empty jugs …   English World dictionary

  • jug band — musical ensemble in which the bass line is carried or augmented by a player blowing on the open lip of a JUG (Cf. jug) (n.), 1886, American English …   Etymology dictionary

  • jug band — jug′ band n. mad a small band that plays chiefly blues or folk music on very simple instruments, as washboards, harmonicas, kazoos, and empty jugs • Etymology: 1930–35, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • Jug band — A jug band is a band employing a jug player and a mix of traditional and home made instruments. These home made instruments are ordinary objects adapted to or modified for making of sound, like the washtub bass, washboard, spoons, stovepipe and… …   Wikipedia

  • Jug band — Cannon s Jug Stompers …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jug-Band — Cannon s Jug Stompers Eine Jug Band ist eine Musikgruppe mit einem Jug Spieler. Der Jug ist ein Tonkrug (ersatzweise ein anderes Gefäß), der angeblasen wird und auf diese Weise Bass artige Töne erzeugt. Die übrigen Instrumente einer Jug Band sind …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • jug band — noun a musical group that uses jugs and washboards and kazoos and other improvised instruments • Hypernyms: ↑ensemble * * * noun : a band using usually crude or improvised instruments (as jugs, washboards, and kazoos) to play blues, jazz, and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • jug band — noun Especially in the U. S., a group of rustic musicians, specializing in bluegrass or folk music, whose instruments include empty jugs, bottles, and similar containers of various sizes which produce musical sounds when the player blows across… …   Wiktionary

  • jug band — /ˈdʒʌg bænd/ (say jug band) noun a band playing music which is a light offshoot of jazz characterised by out of time singing and home made instruments such as washing boards, jugs and other kitchenware …  

  • jug band — noun Date: circa 1933 a band that uses primitive or improvised instruments (as jugs, washboards, and kazoos) to play blues, jazz, and folk music …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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